Initiative Chef:innensache About the initiative
“Chefsache. Drive the Change – For Men and Women” is a network advocating equal opportunities for men and women, including in top management positions. Business executives as well as leaders from scientific institutions, academia, social services, the public sector and the media are giving new impetus for cultural change in Germany’s top tier.
Founded in 2015 under the official sponsorship of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the initiative sets out to encourage a shift of mindset throughout the working world by promoting new ideas and innovative concepts, including on modern leadership culture or flexible working models. At 11 percent, the share of women in senior management in Germany is still too low. Yet everybody benefits equally from a better gender balance and modern role models – women, men, and society as a whole. The Chef:innensache report “Flexible working in leadership” produced in collaboration with McKinsey Global Institute calculated that: a move toward equal opportunities would translate to an additional 12 percent in gross domestic product by 2025.
The Chef:innensache initiative advocates gender balance in leadership positions. Germany cannot afford to exclude well trained talents from achieving success. Only if every person – man or woman – has the opportunity to take responsibility commensurate with their strengths, will we as a society make the most of our resources and our potential for new ideas. A performance culture accessible to all is not just a question of equality – it directly pays economic dividends.
Consequently, the Chef:innensache initiative aims to trigger fundamental change in the working world, and to establish a new culture of respect in companies and institutions. A culture that accepts diverse professional biographies and that leaves behind outdated mentalities in recruitment decisions. That concerns in particular those in our society with leadership and multiplier roles.
The name says it all
For the initiative’s executive members, establishing a level playing field for men and women in top management positions is a personal priority. Chef:innensache sets out to raise awareness for the perceptual stereotypes still deeply rooted in the communication and decision processes of business and society, inhibiting the advancement of women into top management positions. The initiative’s title “Chefsache” – a matter for the boss – should also be understood as a call to action specifically addressing men, who still hold the vast majority of leadership functions. That is why the Chef:innensache initiative addresses them too, just as much as women. Gender balance in leadership positions is a win-win outcome for all concerned.
Chef:innensache is a network of leaders from business, science/academics, the public sector, and the media personally committed to make gender balance their priority.
Shaping change
Our ambition, our objective: Intended as a light-house initiative, Chef:innensache supports the change needed in society with new concepts, approaches, and impulses.
For women and men
Our conviction: Gender balance secures Germany’s competitiveness and is fundamental to the wellbeing of society.
You too can take part!
The Chef:innensache initiative relies on cross-sectoral collaboration on the ground: By merging the experience of the scientific and business communities as well as policymakers, we can optimally drive forward change in attitudes throughout society.
- Find out more about the topic of men and women in leadership positions. Publications & links
- Take part in our Germany-wide events.
- Discuss the topic of gender equality in society at home and work.
What the media has to say about the Chef:innensache initiative.