Member Fraunhofer Society
Positioned right at the interface of science, research and industry, Fraunhofer embraces a broad spectrum of activity fields.
This positioning comes with a climate which fosters creativity and individualism, thus facilitating personal development and career advancement. The development and design of the relevant underlying conditions, programs and measures is part of Fraunhofer’s HR policy.
“Innovation flourishes wherever engagement with experience from diverse stages of life, perspectives, and expectations is allowed room. In this diversity, Fraunhofer sees the precondition for Germany’s success as an economic hub.”
Fraunhofer has made a conscious decision to position diversity as a cross-function relevant to all HR functions at Fraunhofer. Four topics were prioritized:
- Equal career opportunities for men and women
- Internationalism
- Inclusion
- Job and family
The topic of equal career opportunities for men and women received priority treatment, with specific goals illustrated via the Frauhofer cascading model. Our comprehensive package to foster equal career opportunities for men and women at Fraunhofer is based on a broad portfolio of internal as well as external studies.
Current projects and studies (examples)
Joint project subsidized by the German Ministry for Education and Research:
“New Careers in Science”
June 2012 – May 2015
Attractive perspectives for both male and female scientists in Germany are required to better tap the existing potential of innovation and know-how in research and science and thus assure Germany’s international standing. Uniting Germany’s four leading research associations and five Technical Universities, the project “New Careers in Science” explores the necessary frameworks and career models allowing men and women to advance in science and research.
Project subsidized by the German Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
“Changing corporate cultures – preventing career breaks”
June 2010 – May 2012
The project “Changing corporate cultures – preventing career breaks” undertook a scientific review of the cultural drivers for career breaks of female high potentials. It thus created the background for a discourse in partner associations triggering the refinement of existing measures. The project’s concluding conference was help in Berlin in October 2012.
Fraunhofer projects and initiatives (examples)
“Fraunhofer TALENTA”
TALENTA is a two year program geared especially towards women scientists. It offers valuable support to career starters, experienced scientists and established leaders alike. TALENTA leaves room for individual career development options while offering a broad portfolio of supporting programs and a platform to network with other women at Fraunhofer.
“Science Campus – Opening the door to research for women”
Our ‘Science Campus’ events reach out specifically to women students and graduates who have completed their fourth semester majoring in mathematics, engineering or computer sciences.
Reports (examples)
Research and Innovation Pact – Monitor Report (German)
Fraunhofer Annual Report 2014 (German)
Fraunhofer Sustainability Report 2013 (German)