Member Max Planck Society

Max Planck Society is a scientific organization with a long-standing tradition: For more than 60 years, it has stood for excelling, knowledge-oriented basic research in the life, natural, and social sciences.

Cutting-edge research of this kind depends on outstanding people as a key resource. A modern and high-performing scientific organization, Max Planck Society and its 83 Max Planck Institutes recruit from across the entire talent spectrum – and, today, that means female talent to a large extent.

Dr. Asifa Akhtar, Direktorin und Wissenschaftliches Mitglied am Max-Planck-​Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik

“Scientific excellence is the core mission of the Max Planck Society. At the same time, as a premiere research institution, it is also our responsibility to assess and improve gender diversity. Gender equality needs to be worked on continuously and it’s important that we don’t have this mindset that hiring women is compromising quality.”

Dr. Asifa Akhtar, Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics

The focus in future will thus be on strengthening equal opportunities and scientific capabilities in equal measure. Equal opportunities are essential to continue ensuring that we attract the best men and women scientists on all career levels for the Max Planck Society and the German scientific community.

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