Member TÜV Rheinland
TÜV Rheinland is a globally leading independent testing services provider that has existed for more than 140 years.
The TÜV Rheinland Group employs some 19,600 people around the world and generates annual revenue of nearly €1.9 billion. These independent experts help ensure quality and safety concerning people, technology, and environment in nearly all aspects of life. Representing people from more than 80 nations engaged on all continents, TÜV Rheinland is a very diverse organization. The Group very publicly promotes itself to have an open and highly valued company culture. However, the potential that can grow out of this global team can still be further realized. This is especially the case when it comes to filling leadership positions on an international level.
“That qualified women in management are an enrichment and a competitive advantage for a corporation, is nowadays common sense- that there is a backlog, too. Therefore, we are committed to a diverse corporate culture and to the optimal development of all talents. Equal opportunities in practice we understand as ‘Chefsache’.”
- 2013: signed the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter);
member of the “Erfolgsfaktor Familie” (“Success Factor: Family”) corporate network - 2014: awarded the Total EQUALITY title;
founding member of the Rhein Ruhr Diversity Network - 2015: winner of Germany’s CSR Prize in the “gender diversity” category;
ranked 6th in the Frauen Karriere Index (Women’s Career Index). Started in 2012, this index’s aim is to support companies in placing and keeping more women in leadership positions. It offers an objective assessment of the current situation, provides concrete recommendations, and shows which actions are most effective - 2016: for the 9th time in a row, recognized for its exemplary personnel management by the CRF Institute in the context of the “Top employers in Germany” study;
Involvement in the “Chefsache” initiative
HR process examples
In the context of its sustainability strategy, TÜV Rheinland has set the goal to increase the share of women in leadership positions to 15% Group-wide by 2020. Both the strategic and operational implementation of actions and instruments are anchored in the Global HR Development & Diversity function, which answers directly to the Head of Personnel.
Selected measures
- Regularly conducted Girls’ Day and MINT-Pakt-Partner events, with the aim to get girls interested in technical professions
- Women’s networking events at TÜV Rheinland, for example, “Ladies Lunch”, business meetings, and series of women@TÜV Rheinland seminars
- International corporate membership in the “European Women’s Management Development International Network”
- Well-established TAFF (“TÜV Rheinland-Angebot für zukünftige Fach- und Führungsfrauen” or “Offering for future female experts and leaders”) mentoring program. The TAFF mentoring program brings aspiring colleagues and top managers together for regular feedback discussions, constructive advice sessions, and inspiring perspective exchange – regardless of gender. The aim of the TAFF program is to make the potential for female top managers more visible and provide more opportunities, and to get women interested in and prepare them for expert and leadership careers. This will allow for systematically increasing the share of women in management and make TÜV Rheinland more attractive as an employer
- Varied support in balancing career and family; company kindergarten, TÜVtel Kids in Cologne, places in nurseries, family services offering, and flexible working hours and part-time models