Chef:innensache Annual Conference 2021

Event Chef:innensache Annual Conference 2021

Under the motto “Real-Time change towards a fair and digital future”, we are illuminating the topic of equal opportunities from different angles at the Chef:innensache Annual Conference 2021. Together with our member IBM, we are hosting the conference in a virtual format and broadcasting it live on Youtube! You can look forward to top speakers such as Federal Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, CEO of IBM Arvind Krishna, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and strategy expert Olivier Sibony.


10:00 – Opening discussion on annual topic
Agnes Heftberger (IBM)
Dr. Julia Sperling-Magro (McKinsey)

10:15 – Momentum speech
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Ministery of Defence, Germany)

10:30 – Personal talk about professional career
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Ministery of Defence, Germany), Agnes Heftberger (IBM)

11:00 – Perspectives: How inclusive are Germany’s managers?
Gabriele Schwarenthorer (IBM), Dr. Cornelius Baur (McKinsey), Tijen Onaran (GDW), Prof. Dr. Katharina Wrohlich (DIW)

11:40 – Discussion: Real-time change of our members
Renate Wagner (Allianz), Martin Seiler (Deutsche Bahn), Dr. Thomas Ogilvie (DPDHL), Agnes Heftberger (IBM)

12:10 – Podium discussion: Ready for the future? Key challenges and groundbreaking trends in equal opportunities
Nicole Büttner (entrepreneur), Dr. Rainer Esser (Die ZEIT), Judith Wiese (Siemens), Dr. Heike Riel (Quantum Lab)

12:40 – Interview with Arvind Krishna (CEO IBM)

13:00 – Interview: The art of deciding for more equal opportunities
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kahneman (Nobel laureate, psychologist, and author), Prof. Olivier Sibony (strategy expert and author)