Interactive test Chef:innensache test
What are your beliefs about equal opportunities in the working world? Should management positions be staffed equally by men and women? You’re probably thinking: yes, obviously. And when you hear the word “career”, do you spontaneously think of a woman or do you actually picture a man? In short: are we really as free of unconscious bias as we like to think?
The Chef:innensache test has been designed to measure these kinds of subconscious associations. It is based on the scientifically proven implicit association test (IAT) developed at Harvard University. In our unconscious bias test you will be asked to use the keyboard to match individual words with specific word pairs, such as “Male & Career” and “Female & Family” – as quickly and intuitively as possible. All of us have a (subconscious) tendency to associate certain words with one gender or the other.
You will be surprised – and will learn a lot about yourself!
Since this test is intended to make you more aware of your subconscious mind, the results might not necessarily reflect the views you actually hold. In fact, you might learn a lot of new information about yourself, and this is a great opportunity to actively challenge the associations you make.
So much for the theory. The best way to find out more is to take the test yourself. Click the following button to start. You will be forwarded to our partner esurveydesign. No personal data will be stored.
You can take the test using a regular computer or mobile device.
More information about the test
How does the test work?
The Chef:innensache unconscious bias test measures how fast and how accurately you associate certain words with constantly changing word pairs. For example, the majority of respondents spontaneously associate male names with the word “career” and female names with the word “family”. The results show that, generally speaking, the same sequences of words in the combinations of Male/Career and Female/Family are processed quicker than those for the combinations of Male/Family and Female/Career. At the end of the test you will see a report showing the strength of the association between the various categories.
Does the sequence of the individual test contents make a difference?
In certain cases, it is possible that the sequence in which the words appear could influence the test results. However, even if it does occur this effect is typically very small.
What can I do if my results are not what I expected?
Many people who take the test report that their results are very different from how they perceive themselves. Seize this opportunity to become more aware of your implicit associations, and start to challenge the decisions and actions that you take as a result. Question your own assumptions and set out objective criteria that you plan to use in your decision making from now on, as a way to give less oxygen to these subconscious associations.
And while we’re on the subject, strategies like this one will be the focus of our Chef:innensache unconscious bias online training that launches in June. Excited yet? Follow us on Twitter @Chefsache and keep up-to-date with all the latest news.
Are there any unconscious bias tests dealing with other topics?
The Chef:innensache unconscious bias test builds on Harvard University’s implicit association test (IAT). The IAT is generally suitable for testing random word association pairs. Click the link to explore a variety of tests relating to age and weight, among other topics: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html
Where can I find more background information about the IAT?
There is a vast amount of information about the IAT available on the website run by the researchers who originally developed the test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/iatdetails.html