Press Publications & links
This page features a collection of ‘Chefsache’ member publications (partially only available in German) as well as links to relevant external studies dealing with gender and leadership. Your questions and suggestions are always welcome at
“New Work – Fair Chances”
What effects does new work, new work models and changes in values have on equal opportunities? This is the subject of the Chef:innensache Report 2020, which is entitled “New Work – Fair Chances”.
Dual Career Couples – building success, together
Do couples have equal opportunities to make careers?
Here you can download the complete report.
Rethinking talent development
Equal career opportunities for men and women: the how-to guide for top management.
Download the full report here.
‘Chefsache’ brochure
You can find the brochure of the „Chefsache“ initiative here.
Read more (issue June 2016, only in German).
‘Chefsache’ member publications
McKinsey & Company
Women in the Workplace 2020
McKinsey & Company
Delivering through Diversity 2018
McKinsey & Company
Diversity Matters (2015)
Download (Only in German)
Gender- und Diversity-Management in der Forschung (2015)
Download (Only in German)
McKinsey & Company und Lean In
Women in the workplace (2015)
Truppenbild ohne Dame?
Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Begleituntersuchung zum aktuellen Stand der Integration von Frauen in die Bundeswehr (2014)
Download (Only in German)
Deutscher Caritasverband
Frauen in Führungspositionen der verbandlichen Caritas
Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen (2014)
Download (Only in German)
McKinsey & Company
Unlocking the full potential of women at work (2012)
Unternehmenskulturen verändern – Karrierebrüche vermeiden (2012)
Download (Only in German)
McKinsey & Company
Vielfalt siegt! Warum diverse Unternehmen mehr leisten (2011)
Download (Only in German)
Other relevant studies
DIW Berlin
Managerinnen-Barometer 2019
Aktueller Überblick über das Geschlechterverhältnis in Führungspositionen in Deutschland.
Managerinnen-Barometer 2018
Aktueller Überblick über das Geschlechterverhältnis in Führungspositionen in Deutschland.
Managerinnen-Barometer 2017
Aktueller Überblick über das Geschlechterverhältnis in Führungspositionen in Deutschland.
Managerinnen-Barometer 2016
Aktueller Überblick über das Geschlechterverhältnis in Führungspositionen in Deutschland
Managerinnen-Barometer 2015
Überblick über das Geschlechterverhältnis in Führungspositionen in Deutschland
FidAR – Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V.
Women-on-Board-Index 2018
Analyse und Ranking zum Anteil von Frauen in Aufsichtsgremien und Top-Managementorganen der 424 größten öffentlichen Unternehmen in Deutschland.
Women-on-Board-Index (PWoB) 2014
Analyse und Ranking zum Anteil von Frauen in Aufsichtsgremien und Top-Managementorganen der größten öffentlichen Unternehmen in Deutschland.
Women-on-Board-Index 2014
Transparente und aktuelle Dokumentation zum Anteil von Frauen im Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand der im
DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX notierten Unternehmen.
Deutsche Juristinnenbund e.V.
Aktionärinnen fordern Gleichberechtigung – 2017. Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen. Fazit und Forderungen (2017)
Fortführung des Projektes von 2013.
European Institute for Gender Equality
Gleichstellungsindex 2017: Deutschland
Fortschritte bei der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Deutschland 2005 – 2015
WSI Hans Böckler Stiftung
Einflussfaktoren auf die Einstellung zur Frauenquote
Beschreibt Faktoren, die die Einstellung zur Frauenquote in der Bevölkerung beeinflussen
DIW Berlin
Weiterhin kaum Frauen in den Vorständen großer Unternehmen – auch Aufsichtsräte bleiben Männerdomänen (2015)
Zahlen zur Entwicklung des Geschlechterverhältnisses in deutschen Führungsetagen
DIW Berlin
Wachsende Bedeutung der Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (2015)
DIW Berlin
Führungskräfte-Monitor 2015
Einblick in die beruflichen und privaten Lebensrealitäten von Frauen und Männern in Führungspositionen im Beobachtungszeitraum 2001 bis 2013
Gesis Leibnitz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Unbewusstes Diskriminieren – Sozialpsychologische Effekte und mögliche Lösungsansätze (2015)
DAX 30
„ Frauen in Führungspositionen“ – Entwicklungen und Zielsetzungen der 30 DAX-Unternehmen (2014)
Geschlechterverhältnis in der Gesamtbelegschaft und in Führungspositionen der DAX-30-Unternehmen sowie eine kurze Beschreibung von Maßnahmen
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Frauen in Führungspositionen – Barrieren und Brücken (2010)
Anteil von Frauen in Führungspositionen in der Privatwirtschaft und im öffentlichen Dienst
European Institute for Gender Equality
Intersecting inequalities 2019 – Gender Equality Index
Continuation of the Gender Equality Index Report of 2017
Gender Equality Index 2017. Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015
Analysis the current status of gender equality in the European Union
Statistisches Bundesamt
Gender Pay Gap 2018
Information on the difference in the average gross hourly earnings of men and women, 2018
CREDIT SUISSE AG Research Institute
The CS Gender 3000: The Reward for Change (2016)
Analyzes the relationship between the performance of a business and its gender composition.
Chief Executive Women/Male Champions of Change
It starts with us – The Leadership Shadow (2015)
A model for executives, which describes their influence on a balanced gender relationship and shows design possibilities
Corporate Culture Matters 2015
Study on expectations, motivation and frustration of UNITECH alumni.
International Labour Organization
Women in Business and Management – Gaining Momentum (2015)
International overview of gender relations in management positions
Gender Data Portal 2015
OECD-Data base on gender parity including visualization tools
European Commission
Report on equality between women and men (2014)
Statement of European Union on the satus of equality in the European Union in 2014
European Commission
Tackling the gender pay gap in the European Union (2014)
Current figures on the earnings levels of men and women in the European Union
Engaging Men in Gender Initiatives: Stacking the Deck for Success (2009)
Suggestions on how to successfully involve men in gender balance initiatives
Links to related initiatives
This page features links to associations and initiatives devoted to the topic of gender balance in management.
German initiatives
AGV (Employer Association of the insurance sector)
The insurance sector was the first in Germany to unite behind the goal to raise the share of women in management positions. This quest is not only driven by equal opportunity considerations but also serves to increase the sector’s competitiveness.
The Advisory Council supports individual member company efforts, harvests synergies and shares best practices as well as initiates new activities to enhance gender equity.
AllBright foundation
AllBright is a German-Swedish non-profit foundation that promotes equality and diversity in senior positions in the business sector. It continuously identifies the gender balance of business management teams and boards of directors to highlight the issue of representation. AllBright aims to shift the debate from discussing problems to delivering solutions.
Charta der Vielfalt (Charta of diversity)
The industry initiative “Charta der Vielfalt” promotes diversity in companies and institutions. Its goal is to foster the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity in German corporate culture, creating work environments that are free of prejudice.
DGFP: Frauen in Führungspositionen (German Association for People Management)
Deeply rooted role models and stereotypes, traditional career drivers and a lack of new concepts are some of the reasons preventing women from reaching top management positions. The DGFP program „Women in leadership positions“ addresses these and related issues.
EAF Berlin
EAF Berlin helps organizations that are undergoing change to achieve greater diversity in management. It works at the interface of politics, economy, and science, focusing on diversity and equal opportunities, career and leadership, work-life balance and resilience, and democracy and participation. EAF Berlin devises and implements practical research projects as well as innovative programs and training courses for personal and organizational development.
Generation CEO
Founded in 2007 by executive search consultant Heiner Thorborg, the ‘Generation CEO’ initiative actively promotes women on their way into top management positions. The initiative’s objective is to raise the share of women executives in companies and sharpen the awareness for their untapped potential.
TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e.V. has been aiming to establish and sustainably ensure equal opportunities. This aim is achieved when talents, capabilities and expertise of both genders are recognized, embraced and promoted in equal measures.
International initiatives
30% Club – Growth Through Diversity (Great Britain, international)
Members of the initiative commit to a goal of a 30 percent share of women on FTSE-100 corporate boards by the end of 2015.
Advance (Switzerland)
‚Advance’ is an association and network of Swiss companies determined to raise the share of women in management positions. Events, workshops, mentoring and coaching serve to develop ambitious member company talents.
Catalyst (U.S.A., international)
In studies and partnerships, Catalyst identifies best practices helpful in promoting a better gender balance in the working world.
European Women Shareholders Demand Gender Equality
The project coordinated by German Women Lawyers Association (djb) develops public awareness, strategies and measurements for more women to be represented in economic decision-making positions in the EU member states.
HeForShe (UN-Initiative)
Now it’s time to unify our efforts. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the benefit of all.
LEAN IN (international)
A platform founded by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg where women executives connect, share insights and arrange meetings.
Male Champions of Change (Australia)
In April 2010, Commissioner Broderick was instrumental in bringing together some of Australia’s most influential and diverse male CEOs and Chairpersons to form the Male Champions of Change group. The group aims to use their individual and collective influence and commitment to ensure the issue of women’s representation in leadership is elevated on the national business agenda.
Valore D (Italy)
Valore D is the first association of large companies formed in Italy in order to support women’s leadership in the corporate world. Our mission is to support and increase women’s representation in top positions in major Italian companies through tangible and concrete actions.
Women Up (Sweden)
Women Up is a leadership initiative with the aim to develop the next generation of top leaders through training and mentorship. It was initiated by Maud Olofsson under the umbrella of Hillary Clinton‘s International Council on Women’s Business Leadership.